It is good to give thanks to the Lord...

Psalm 92:1-2 says "It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night"

We as a team are giving thanks to the Lord for so many things! To name a few....
-the team He is equipping
-healing from injuries
-everyone's passport is here
-visas are being approved
-supplies are being donated
-support is coming in
-prayers are being lifted
-a chance to practice our teaching material in Converge


We are less than a month from leaving and we are SO excited! Our theme for camp is Seeing Jesus. Would you pray with us that the high schoolers that we will be ministering to would have a deeper encounter with Jesus? Pray that they would see Him in a fresh way and that they would worship and trust Him as Savior and Lord.

In addition to that, below you will find specific ways that you can be lifting up the team in prayer. Lastly, if you would like to still contribute financially towards the trip, we still support raising and are in need of a few more supplies. To donate supplies, please visit our registry link below.

Thank you so much for holding our rope! To Him be all the glory and honor!

-Meagan for the team

Amazon Registry:

Kenya Team Prayer Requests:

Katina- For faithful steps towards the Lord and God-filled energy radiating from me and the team. Prayers for softened and open hearts for the students to carry the excitement of the Lord during and well after the camp

Adam- for the growth and development of our young adults as they experience the transcendent nature of the gospel and minister to youths in Kenya.

Ian-The past few months leading up to this trip have been some of the most challenging months of my life. Please pray that as the challenges and hardships come, that I would be able to see Jesus in the darkest place and in the darkest of times.

David- I’m asking the Lord for team unity and for our bonding with the Kenyan students. Pray that we would be sensitive to the busy lives that Andrew and Stephanie are experiencing with all the teams coming. Pray that we would be an encouragement and blessing to them and their three sons.

Kyle- for continued healing of my LCL and a posture of open hands for whatever the Lord has for me on this trip

Bobby- That God will prepare our hearts for the work He is going to do in Kenya and that he will open our eyes to see everyone we interact with as He sees them.

Sarah- for open hearts for the teens that we will be interacting with and that they’d be open to the Holy Spirit!

Chandler- that I surrender to the will of God on this missions trip and that God can use me in any way possible. Please pray for my nerves for the lesson Ian and I will teach. I’ve never done anything like this, so strength, peace, and wisdom to be able to teach the lesson Biblically!

Abby- for unwavering faith/confidence in the Lord as I serve Him and prepare to teach His Word. That I would remove distractions in each day and carve out time to deepen my relationship with the Lord through quiet time and prayer. That I would learn something new about God through this trip that I have not learned yet.

Anijah- Please pray that the Lord will provide for my family's financial needs and all of our other needs as well. Pray that the Lord will continue to give me courage and peace for this trip as I prepare for it in every way.

Logan- Pray that God will prepare our hearts and minds for the work that we will be doing, and for unity for the team as we minister to the people of Kenya.

Cassondra- Please pray for confidence with my public speaking because this is one fear I have which I have been working on a lot but still not the best at. Also for some medical issues I have that might make it difficult, it is definitely bearable but would just be nice to not have to worry too much about it while I’m there.

Mary -Please pray for me to be a help and encouragement to our team and Global partners. Pray that each camper would feel specifically cared for by one of our team and by the Lord Jesus.

Meagan- Pray that as I help lead this team, that I would be sensitive to the Spirit in being attentive and relational with the team and those that we are serving in the midst of balancing the logistics of the trip. Pray that as I lead and guide the team, that I would not miss what the Lord has in store for me personally on this trip.
