Good-morning everyone!
Here’s an update on what we did yesterday:) After waking up in the hotel we gathered outside to eat breakfast with the view of a lake in front of us. By 8am we were on the road headed to the Killing Fields to learn more of the history of the people here in Cambodia. Seeing the Killing Fields gave many of us a greater depth of gratitude for what we have. At the end, we got to see a sunbow, which was very special because Brian and Jody have only seen one once prior to this themselves. Next, we drove to the center we will be staying at for the rest of the trip, playing fun games and Alex’s riddles throughout the drive. We ate dinner at the Williams’ house and finished off the night with some soccer rondos. (Also some people ate some tarantulas as a late-night snack)
Thank you all for your continued prayers and support at home, they are greatly appreciated as we continue along this journey!
-Zofia Beers