Good Morning from Cambodia everyone!
Today was definitely not as action packed as the previous days. We all woke up fairly early to play soccer at the school with some of the Cambodian kids before it got too hot out. Finally being able to play soccer with the kids was a great feeling to have. It soon became too hot for us to continue playing so we headed back to Brian and Jody Williams house for breakfast. After breakfast, the group headed back to the Discipleship Center to clean up before heading back to the Williams' for church. We played games and welcomed the Cambodians into the Williams house church. We got to worship the Lord under one roof in our different languages. Seeing how passionate and excited the Cambodians got to sing praises to our God was very cool to see. After church, we piled onto tuk-tuks and motorbikes to head to a restaurant for dinner. We had a very messy family-style meal that consisted of rice and chicken wrapped in egg, put into lettuce, dipped in sauce. Overall, the meal was very delicious and filling. We then traveled back through the vendor-filled streets to the Discipleship Center where we called it a night.
Thank you guys so much for keeping us in your prayers as we continue to get to know the people of Cambodia.
-Ian Jerchau
