Hello from Kenya!

Today our team kicked off the very first day of camp at OneLife Africa! The morning started at 7am and ended around 10:15pm. Running a camp in a brand new culture has been such a unique experience for each one of us. I think I can speak for the team and say that the Lord has been teaching all of us to adapt to changes in the schedule/even cultural dynamics, dependence on God, and serving the Lord and each other selflessly. A few highlights of the day were: Being apart of the beautiful worship service led by the Kenyan Counselors, hearing from Ian and Chandler teach on Seeing Jesus Amaze from the book of Luke, kicking off our team competitions (our first team game was played in the cow field because we had to improvise lol), seeing the talents that the campers have, and building relationships with them.

I feel so blessed to be able to be apart of this camp and that God would use me to be a light for His glory. My role in camp is heading up the competition side of camp with Chandler, and it was such a blast to bring the energy throughout the day! One of my highlights from today was building relationships with the students while being taught how to be a Kenyan dancer😉 If you know me, you know I have almost zero rhythm so you can imagine how that went haha. There was much laughter and joy, and I consider myself blessed to have shared that quality time with them.

Thank you so very much for you support and prayers! Please continue to pray that the Lord would break down barriers for each of us and each student this week as well as give us energy, strength, and unity as the week goes on. We appreciate you all!
