Dear faithful supporters,

This morning began with some delicious Kenyan coffee, that was much needed, and team devos led by Katina. Team devos have been a great opportunity each morning for our team to connect with our God and uplift one another before the day begins.

The main session began with some awesome worship led by the Kenyan Counselors. Followed by Kelvin, a Kenyan Counselor, sharing a devotional with the whole group. After a short break for dancing and using the “wash room”, Chandler and I (Logan Burkholder) led a group game. The game is called “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Cup”, or cone in our case. The game is pretty much just a race between two people to see who can grab the cone on the ground between them the fastest. The game was a hit and definitely one of my personal highlights so far. The game was followed by Abby and Anijah giving the large group lesson on seeing Jesus pursue. We learned through the parables in Luke 15 of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son that Jesus pursues relationship with us. Abby and Anijah did a fantastic job of teaching the group that Jesus loves us and pursues us despite our sin. At the end of the lesson Andrew Onguka, our host and Director of OneLife Africa, called for students to give their life to Jesus. One girl was brave enough to raise her hand and commit her life to the Lord! This was so encouraging and filled me with so much joy knowing we will get to see her in Heaven one day! This one soul was worthy of our whole trip! I’m hopeful that the Lord will continue to work in the students hearts and that we will see more accept Jesus as their savior.

The next part of the day was one of my personal highlights. For our team time we played a team building game we named, Team Building Mania. This game requires the teams to complete as many tasks as they can of a list we created. This game was designed intentionally to help the students communicate and work well as a team. It was a super fun time that we were able to interact with the students and work as a team. We left right from that activity into small groups.

During small groups we dove deeper into seeing Jesus pursue us! Many small groups, my small group included, broke some new ground in conversation. We pushed the conversation deeper and had lots of conversations about what it means to follow Jesus. During this time, another student accepted Jesus! Praise the Lord! This was such and encouragement as the past two days it has been tough to get them to speak up in small group. We learned that in Kenyan culture, schools and churches don’t let the students speak for themselves. So for many students speaking up and sharing their opinion in that context is a new experience. So we have been putting lots of intentional effort into helping them to feel comfortable sharing. It was awesome to see that intentionality pay off today!

The evening had a few more fun games led by the Kenyan leaders that brought lots of laughter and joy. The games consisted of making mummies with toilet paper, sack racing, and a Kenyan version of Marco Polo. Then tonight we had a movie night. We watched “Queen of Katwe”, a movie about a brilliant young girl whose life is changed by the game of Chess.

Thank you all for your prayers and support as we serve God and the people of Kenya. Please continue to pray that the students open up in small groups and that the Spirit would work in their hearts and draw them closer to Himself. Pray that the new believers will continue learn and grow. Pray that the lord will give our team rest and strength to finish out the week. But above all else, pray that God will be glorified through all that we do.

Thanks for your prayers,
Logan Burkholder

P.S. to see more photos and videos, keep checking this link!