Hello to you all from Kenya!

Today was Day 5, our final day of camp!
The Lord answered our prayers for energy, fruitful small groups, and gospel-centered conversations in the midst of the flurry of activities. God proved Himself faithful yet again today, and we are blown away by the growth we have seen in the campers in only five days.

Logan and Katina taught on Seeing Jesus Worshipped, developing our theme of Seeing Jesus by teaching us that the appropriate response to the saving power of Jesus is to offer up our entire lives in worship as living sacrifices.

Through teaching and small groups, the gospel has been clearly repeated all week and our final day resulted in several conversions, recommitments, and deep conversations and questions. Pray for those who have experienced the life transforming power of Jesus this week that they may continue to grow in Christ through time in the Word of God, discipleship, and involvement in the local church.

We also got a special treat for us this afternoon! During every afternoon this week, the campers have been working with their Kenyan counselors in various workshops (dance, song, poetry, etc) to hone their talents and prepare presentations and today they performed their presentations for the entire camp (picture a talent show)! Their God-given gifts and abilities were on full display as they performed original dances, gospel songs, and even a spoken word poetry about our camp theme of the week “Seeing Jesus!” It was amazing!

I personally was moved deeply during the workshop presentations today as a chorus of several dozen Kenyan students sang these powerful words:
“All we want is to see you glorified, see you lifted high. Set me on fire from the inside!”
It truly gave me chills. Praise God!

Our camp competition for the week ended with an epic Olympic Games featuring a series of games including relays, sack races, futbol etc. Red team came out on top for week to my chagrin (Go green team!), but the competition was a highlight all week.

We ended the night by celebrating God’s goodness at a banquet where we fellowshipped and laughed over good food, celebrated our campers, and said many goodbyes. It was a joy to see how many relationships formed in just one week!

Pray for us the next couple days as we change locations, debrief, and try to catch up on some rest as we continue to experience the beauty of Kenya.

To God be the glory, great things he has done.

-Mchungagi Adam