Work day 5

Today was a bittersweet day as we wrapped up a good week of work and had our last night here at Seaside. One room has been fully completed and several others will be left in a good condition for the Word of Life team to finish them quickly. The team here has been excellent and has step up in a variety ways to ensure this week was a success.

As a team, we have been reflecting each morning in our devotions about the eternal impact of our work here, and today was the excellent reminder of that. While finishing the physical work such as installing ceiling tiles, skim coating rooms, and painting will be valuable for the camp, we know that God will use our time here in more ways than we can imagine for the advancement of the Gospel.

Our flight tomorrow will take us to Manila where we will have the opportunity to explore the city and the other Word of Life camp here in the Philippines. Thank you for your prayers and support as we have been at work this week!

- Josh Reinert